Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Uneventful Day

Well, it's been an uneventful day.  My mom went to the funeral of a close friend of hers.  I went to work (12 hours).  I hate never seeing my yard in the daylight.

I'm planning to go the T. D. Jakes church on Sunday to make sure I'm not being cat-fished.  Some of my requests for 'a good mailing address to mail the books I offered' and 'when is the best time to come hear him preach on Sunday' are not being met with answers I would expect. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, I'll have it figured out Sunday.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]