Libertarian Global Library and Book Exchange
(a subsidiary of the Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange)
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029
November 9, 2013
Mr. Jeffrey Bezos, CEO
Dear Mr. Bezos:
It is commonly understood that 3 to 5% of a population is required to move a population. This translates to 15,500,000 copies of Economist Murray Rothbard's book, "For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto," being placed into the hands of Americans in order to see an authentic and thorough spirit of liberty (Austrian School economics) return to our land for generations. Some 2,000 volunteers strategically scattered across America, passing out 22 copies a day would accomplish the distribution in just under one year. The cost of purchasing the book in paperback at retail would currently be about $232.5 million.
This proposal is achievable and stands to transform America into a liberty-centric society ["liberty"/ "freedom" (Greek word: elutheria) -- without liability or obligation].
If the Libertarian Global Library and Book Exchange can be of any service, please feel free to call upon me. We have a very nice steak house on Harry Hines here in Dallas, if I can ever entertain you to a libertarian discussion on world freedom.
Most respectfully,
Gene Chapman, CEO
Libertarian Global Library and Book Exchange
(a subsidiary of the Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange)
cc: Mr. Lew Rockwell
Dr. Ron Paul
Mr. David Koch
Mr. Warren Buffett
Mr. Bill Gates
Dr. Noam Chomsky
Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Sir. Richard Branson
Dr. Alan Greenspan
The 14th Dalai Lama
The 14th Dalai Lama