Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Chapman Polling with Wendy Davis"?

Dear Sirs:

I just saw that I am "polling with Wendy Davis."  Could you please explain, as this is material related to your organization's link. 

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Chapman Makes News in Mt. Shasta, California

I am informed that we had a two column story on page A5 in the Mt. Shasta, California paper with my photo in front of Mt. Shasta.  It is not on line.  I expect an email with the story soon.

What other candidate for Texas Governor can say they have newspaper coverage from over 2000 miles from Austin?  Vote Gene Chapman!!!

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Desert Center, California Yesterday

Virtual Ghost Town Where I Used to Eat and Spend the Night.  Monetary Expansion Killed the Cafe.

Flagstaff, AZ

I'm in Flagstaff, Arizona, preparing to head back to Texas for a new job, it appears.  Monetary expansion and the resulting price inflation has rendered road driving too expensive to do for the time, it appears.

Milton Friedman says that it takes about eighteen months for monetary expansion to work its way through the economy.  With QE3, Cork screws and Obama Care, we are in for quite an inflationary ride.  I bought a burger, fries and a drink last night for $8.03 that costs $5.25 a year ago.  Earlier in the day, what would have been about $8.00 in snacks not too long ago was $15.00.

We are living through and inflationary recession, but on the other end Friedman says things will level out in about eighteen months.

Now, a vote for people like me would abolish central banking and all its shenanigans.  If there is no state, there is no central bank to steal the value of the intrinsic value of your labor through monetary expansion and resulting price inflation, the kind of stuff that puts families on the streets.  Is anybody else running for Texas Governor on keeping you off the streets?  I didn't think so.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Gene Chapman v. Gregg Abbott: Traditional Values

Gregg Abbott's Position:

Championing the conservative values and religious liberties that define Texans, Greg Abbott fights for the principles of faith, family and freedom to make Texas a better place to live and raise a family.
Greg Abbott successfully defended the constitutionality of the Ten Commandments on the Texas Capitol grounds all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. He also represented all 50 states in defending the words “One Nation, Under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance, and in defending prayer during the Presidential Inauguration ceremony.
- See more at:

Gene Chapman's reply:

What Mr. Abbott champions is the Law of Moses, but it is interesting that the Law of Jesus is absent in the monument at the State Capitol.  Wouldn't it be nice if the followers of Jesus had a monument at the State Capitol, like the followers of Moses do?  Maybe we could change the names of the streets around the Walls Unit in Huntsville to "Render Not Evil For Evil Parkway," " Go Not To Law Street," "Judge Not Street," "Condemn Not Street?"  

(And for my Christian friends, Jesus didn't say, "I'm bringing the Kingdom with me in my back pocket."  He said, "The Kingdom of God is [present tense] within you," 2000 years ago.  The Law of Moses and the Law of Jesus are like oil and water.  Moses plucks out your eyes, while the Law of Jesus renders not evil for evil.  The Law of Moses was abrogated by Jesus himself so you could start living the Kingdom conception of life 2000 years ago.  Abrogated, is like a Texas rattle snake put under glass.  You can see it.  You can see what it was.  But it has no more bite.)

I like what Pope Francis said yesterday about gays:  "Who am I to judge?"  Now there is a guy who is connecting with the message of the Law of Jesus.

Law of Jesus:

1)  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)
Gregg Abbott's Position:

Human life is not an asset. It’s not a commodity.
Life is a gift from God, and we must do everything we can to defend Texans’ most basic rights endowed by our Creator and guaranteed in the Constitution.
As chairman of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, Greg Abbott has worked closely with legislators, law enforcement authorities, and victim service providers to combat human trafficking across Texas. In 2013, Greg Abbott was honored to be the recipient of the New Friends New Life “Protect-Her Award.”
Working with the Texas legislature, Greg Abbott has fought to increase penalties for traffickers, enhance coordination within the law enforcement community, and improve victims’ access to important services.
Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and it a serious problem that afflicts not only Texas, but the rest of the nation. Greg Abbott will continue to crack down on this vile crime.
- See more at:

Gene Chapman's reply:

As one of the leading American figures in the Tax Honesty Movement, I can say with absolute authority that there are three primary attributes of slavery in antiquity, and any scholar will back me up:

1)  Taxation of labor (2nd Plank of The Communist Manifesto).

2)  Taxation of the intrinsic value of property (1st Plank of The Communist Manifesto).

3)  Numbering people as cattle (Socialist Security Number.)

Does Mr. Abbott oppose any of these human trafficking issues? It's interesting that the political elite long ago stopped calling the forced economic transfer of persons and their labor "slavery."

My Five Point Plan if Elected Texas Governor

1)  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Gene Chapman v. Gregg Abbott: Jailing Everyone for Everything

Gregg Abbott's Position:

Our most precious Texans are also among the most vulnerable.
Greg Abbott has made protecting children and removing dangerous predators from our communities a top priority as Texas’ Attorney General.
He launched the Cyber Crimes and Fugitive units in 2003, directly resulting in the arrest of more than 4,454 fugitives, sex offenders, parole violators, and other felons.
In addition to fostering safety for our children in our communities and online, one of the most important responsibilities of the Attorney General is the collection of child support.
Child support directly benefits the children and saves Texas taxpayers money by avoiding additional state welfare costs.  Under Greg Abbott’s watch, the Attorney General’s office has collected over $26 billion in child support for Texas children.
- See more at:

Jesus Christ's answer to Gregg Abbott:

1)  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

I think often about that Amish community in Pennsylvania that had all those little children killed by the mass murderer in the one room school house.  You know, they hurt bad to this very day for the loss of those children.  But they let it go because of the Sermon on the Mount.  Think of all the peace that went around the world from their act of maturity of the highest level.

Think of all the peace that could be in this world, if the African American community responded like those Amish did to the recent loss of Trevon Martin.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Gene Chapman v. Gregg Abbott: Voter ID

Gregg Abbott states on his web site:

Voter fraud in Texas and throughout our country is real, and Greg Abbott believes that we need to enact strong Voter ID laws in Texas to prevent cheating at the ballot box and ensure integrity in the electoral system. While critics argue that Voter ID laws suppress votes, the U.S. Supreme Court has already approved Voter ID as a legal, nondiscriminatory response to voter fraud.

Voter ID laws do not prevent legal votes. Instead, they ensure legal votes are not discounted by illegal ones. Every state that has implemented Voter ID laws has seen an increase in minority voter participation and there’s no reason not to expect the same in Texas.
The Department of Justice was attempting to stop implementation of voter ID laws including the Texas law. General Abbott filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in the case of Shelby County, Alabama v. Eric Holder. Arguing that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is flawed and undermines the principle of sovereignty.
On June 25, 2013, the United States Supreme Court determined in the case of Shelby County, Alabama v. Eric Holder that Section 4, which subjected Texas to preclearance by the Justice Department, was unconstitutional. That very day, General Abbott announced that Texas would implement its duly passed Voter ID law.
- See more at:

Gene Chapman's reply:

In a letter exchange with Congressman John Lewis last year (the man who got his head beaten in by police on the Selma March), he told me that there are more reports of alien sightings each year than there are voter fraud reports.  That tells me that voter suppression is the real mission of voter ID laws. 

Also, before I was a Gandhian, I was a Inerrantist/ Fundamentalist Christian.  I helped Aaron Russo get the Revelation 13:16 scene in his movie, America:  Freedom To Fascism.  Mr. Abbott, who seems to like religion, might want to muse that scene before he pushes ID's for people too much more. 

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age) 

Gene Chapman v. Miriam Martinez

1)  Miss. Martinez proposes a passport in her photo on her website for illegal immigrants:

2)  Miss. Martinez seeks to enforce current gun laws:

3)  Miss Martinez believes in economic stability through law:

I, Gene Chapman, believe in abolishing the state conception of life via the dynamics of the Sermon on the Mount, as interpreted by Leo Tolstoy's book, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, the book attributed with transforming the lawyer M. K. Gandhi into the Mahatma of India.

1)  My path to citizenship is to have no such thing as a border or a document.

2)  My solution to gun law violation is to have no such thing as temporal laws via abolition of the state conception of life, making everyone their own sheriff.

3)  My path to economic stability and raging growth is to abolish the state;  thus, freeing the Texas economy to function like Milton Friedman's Hong Kong.

It's called the Sermon on the Mount.  Miss. Martinez must think she's smarter than Jesus Christ, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Noam Chomsky and Gene Chapman combined.  That's a lot of brains for one person, even if you take me out of the list.

My Five Point Plan if Elected Texas Governor

1)  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Top of The Grapevine

Here is the top of the Grapevine.  It's a mountain pass between LA and Bakersfield, California on I-5.  When you hear Jay Leno talk about having a gig in Bakersfield over the weekend, this is the area he would travel.

Got Another Job 5 Minutes Later

Five minutes later, my old boss wants me back.  Now that's the kind of frictional unemployment I like.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Just Resigned My Job

In guess I did too much thinking about the last post.  Anyway, I told them I want to get back to Texas and find another job.  If I'm gonna put in seven days of my life a week on a job, I'm gonna need to put several hundred dollars a week in savings, not $50, as my last post indicated.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Monetary Expansion and You

Over the past few weeks, I've been putting my Economics major to work in my trucking job, and I think you might like to relate my experiences to your own.  In 1994, I could make about a $900 a week pay check. Today, I'm doing about the same.

The problem is that a week on the road, living like a king, was about $280 a week back in 1994.  Today, that same lifestyle costs about $480 a week.  A motel in 1994 was about $35 to $45 a night.  Today, that same motel ranges from $55 to $75 a night.  A sit down meal was about $9 in 1994.  That same meal is about $15 to $17 today.  That $900 pay check had about $100 in taxes taken out in 1994.  Today, that check has about $200 in taxes taken out.  In 1994, I could save $400 a week and not even feel it.  Today, I can't even come up with $50 a week for savings.

Milton Friedman says that the lion's share of price inflation (what I've been sharing above) comes from monetary expansion/ growth.  So if the central bankers did not exist, I'd still be making $900 per week, but my road expenses would be closer to $280 per week and my savings would get that $400 per week still.

Where did all that paper money go?  It went to fund wars through an unseen tax, so the state conception of life could be imposed upon the rest of the world.  It went to re-inflate the stock prices on Wall Street, where the central bankers go for employment when they finish up their public sector jobs at the central bank.  It went to empower the powerful to threaten murder against those who operate in ways that the powerful do not wish -- Tolstoy.

The central bank is a product of the state (not the State of Texas in specific, but the state conception of life).

Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).  You might want to think long and hard about voting for those other guys.  They offer you more state conception of life.  I offer you Tolstoy's Kingdom conception from the Sermon on the Mount:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Swear not" Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

The first plank of my platform for Texas Governor, "Swear not"/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence), is closely tied to the third plank of my platform:  "Go not to law," which ends the legal system.  These two concepts from Christ's Sermon on the Mount provided Mahatma Gandhi an authority to instruct the people of India to not sign legal documents.  Together, these ideas helped to break British rule off India in a similar way to what Irwin Schiff worked to do here in America.

Irwin, now sitting in prison for something almost identical to what Mahatma Gandhi did, taught people to circumvent the taxing authorities by what he believed was a legal act to sign a zero tax return.  I go to Gandhiji for an even more complete system of circumvention, but it is drastic.  Sign nothing, swear to nothing.  And there is not a preacher on earth who can argue with you, assuming you are a Christian (I'm Gandhian, not Christian).

This approach will throw your life into a struggle to find ways to pay your bills, but it will work, as we saw in India.  We, together, must move in this direction to end the Keynesian-Marxist state that now threatens the existence of mankind.

Tolstoy, on the last couple of pages of his book, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, explains that if we try to stop the wagon to which we are all harnessed immediately, we will suffer ("be dragged").  If you can be dragged, I commend you.  If you are like me, you seek to bring all the horses harnessed to the wagon to a halt together, mitigating the damage to each.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Adam Kokesh

I've been asked to say a few words about Adam Kokesh in the above article.  Adam is seeking to purify the Government with acts of violence (the threat itself is violence from a Gandhian perspective).  He has been accused, as I understand it, of racking rounds into a shotgun in Washington D. C.  He has proposed the marching of 1000 people in D. C. with long guns.

I would not have him arrested, as some suggest;  rather, I would have Mahatma Gandhi's unarmed peace brigades stand physically between the conflicted parties.  These are people trained to die selflessly for Truth and Non-violence as honest brokers of peace.  It is much of what I did with the Mutual Defense Pact back several years ago in the various standoffs that they proposed.

I remember a man with a mobil home in Michigan, who was being told that he could not rewire his home by a town council.  The Mutual Defense Pact, led by Rick Stanley of Colorado, was on a thread's notice to send 600 armed men to aid the man in protecting him from what was perceived as a Marxist attack upon the man's Constitutional rights to his property.

I called the local sheriff to explain the situation, and he got a local pastor to mediate.  The town council, it was found, had no legal standing to exist.  The town council disbanded, and the man was left alone.

As a Gandhian, my plan is to purify the world of governments (the state being the most violent thing on earth) through running candidates on a five point plan.  I have matured in my Gandhian training to a place beyond constitutions or property rights.

A constitution seeks to protect that which is less than Truth Only.  And property in land, while attractive in providing basic resources to the owner, is not the big answer in a world of increasing population and decreasing resources.  This is why we must step beyond the state conception of life.  We must not be static in addressing the changes that are upon us in population and law.

If we do not step away from the state conception of life, we will see wars over interpretations of written documents and cavity searches of ourselves and our wives, sons and daughters at airports for the next thousand years.  The state is unsustainable in a world of peace.

My Five Point Plan if Elected Texas Governor

1)  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)