Thursday, August 1, 2013

Heading Back to Texas

Well, I'm about to turn my truck in here in Phoenix and head back to Texas on a Greyhound bus.  I can't buy a house for my old age on a $50 bill after seven days of trucking, so a change is required.

Sad, I really enjoy driving the West, but Mr. Bernanke won't let us live free of his foolishness at the central bank.  You can't afford what the central bank steals from you through monetary expansion and resulting price inflation.  

I also noticed that my taxes went from $100 a week to $200 a week on the road.  But it's up to us to end it.

Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)