Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Paradise Lost: West Memphis Boys

I saw an interview of a man held, of three, some eighteen years in the Arkansas prison system for the murders of some other young kids in 1994.  The man has been virtually blinded by living in solitary confinement for the last decade, and had lost the ability to walk without chains on his feet for appropriate balance.

Their plight was captured in a movie, Paradise Lost, and the three men jailed falsely were the victims of statism, the statism we seek to abolish along with the state in this campaign for Texas Governor.

I have seen too much go wrong with the legal system to stay silent.  In all cases, whether guilty or innocent, we will never have peace on earth while there is the state.

Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).
See:  The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, by Leo Tolstoy

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor