Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chapman Contemplates Run For Texas Governor

As I have been devouring Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Tolstoy, Ruskin and Gandhiji in the past few months, I see a path to have an impact upon the political system.  A good test would be to run for Texas Governor with Tolstoy's Kingdom as the goal.  I do not know if it would abolish the state, were every individual refuse to take oaths, but it would be a move to smaller government and a real basis for abolishing fiat currency and all mechanisms of judgment, the basis of conflict.

I would have to run as a write-in candiate as a Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian, as I would be unable to sign oaths on paperwork.  Then, I would not take the oath of office, were I to win the popular vote.  If the state refused to respect the popular vote, then we would strike.  Obviously, this is far fetched, but it would make the point that all these authors I list above seem to be exploring.

Gene Chapman

The Path to World Peace
The Law of Jesus
The Kingdom of God is Within You, by Leo Tolstoy

1)  Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (refocuses life on family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not (ends bigotry and discrimination).

You see, "the Kingdom of God" really "is within you," right now.

Matthew 5-7 

Mahatma Gandhi Global Library
Book Exchange
World Peace Initiative


Step 1)  Teach it.

Step 2) Live it.