Gene Chapman, a candidate for Texas governor, talked about his philosophy at the Pilot station in Weed, where he stopped last week while driving a truck from Portland to Sacramento. Photo by Steve GeracePosted Aug. 5, 2013 @ 10:05 am
Gene Chapman is running for Texas governor on a platform of doing away with government non-violently. With no state, no legal system, and no military, Chapman said it would “refocus life on family and community.”
People, he said, would be “driven by conscience.”
A truck driver passing through the Mt. Shasta Area last week on his way to and from Portland, Chapman said he felt his message would resonate with people in this area – even if they won’t be going to the polls in his home state.
He describes himself as a Tolstoyan Gandhian Libertarian. He said he received an endorsement from Noam Chomsky, the prominent cultural figure, political activist and critic.
Chapman said his views on abolishing government have been inspired by Tolstoy’s book, “The Kingdom of God Is Within You,” as well as The Sermon on the Mount, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King.
He said he has a five-point plan that he believes will lead to “peace on earth.” His points: “Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence);” “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community);” “Render not evil for evil (ends war);” “Go not to law (ends the legal system);” “Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).”
His website is: ChapmanForTexasGovernor2014.com
Read more: http://www.mtshastanews.com/article/20130805/NEWS/130809897#ixzz2b7N5ulQA