Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029
Gene Chapman stopped in Dalhart for a brief interview on Wednesday, July 10. He will announce his candidacy for Governor of Texas in September of 2013. Chapman is a name some may remember; he went on a 40 day fast in 2003 making a statement to the Internal Revenue Service and again hit the media when he walked from Austin to Montgomery, AL that same year.
Chapman believes that if elected officials do no take the oath of office, it will end state government and all its systems of violence. There will be no need for law enforcement and no gun control. Each citizen will be their own sheriff. The borders will not need border patrol or fences; this would be a show of conflict. “The Christians get their Kingdom and the rest get world peace,” Chapman stated in an interview with the Texan on Wednesday, July 10.
Chapman believes that if elected officials do no take the oath of office, it will end state government and all its systems of violence. There will be no need for law enforcement and no gun control. Each citizen will be their own sheriff. The borders will not need border patrol or fences; this would be a show of conflict. “The Christians get their Kingdom and the rest get world peace,” Chapman stated in an interview with the Texan on Wednesday, July 10.
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