Monday, September 30, 2013

Tea Party Hijacked by Elitists?

I remember the first time I heard of a "Tea Party" event.  I addressed a crowd of a few hundred of the overflow crowd of many thousands at the Birmingham, Alabama Convention Center, I believe it was.  Before then, we called them "Patriot Meetings."

I was too busy getting coverage on the front page of "The New York Times" for protesting Alabama Governor Bob Riley's proposed income tax increase that he claimed had the support of Jesus Christ.  I showed up and did a 28 day fast on the step of the Alabama State Capitol and that all changed.  The tax increase was defeated.  And I remember the "Ten Commandments Rally" when Jerry Falwell talked about me on national television and the coverage that came in that protest at the same time.

In 2006 and 2007, I ran for President of the United States and found myself surrounded by old Goldwater Presidential Campaign staff, who began to call me "The Goldwater Kid," as time went on.  The Tea Party was still just a word off in the distance.

For the past few years, I've been in college, knocking out degrees in various subjects (welding, economics, motion picture production, sociology), so I've been out of the spotlight.  I had no idea that the same fellow who helped Aaron Russo make and promote "America:  Freedom To Fascism" would be snubbed by the so-called Tea Party of Amarillo, Texas, first claiming to have invited me, then removing "The Goldwater Kid" from the invitee list in favor of four lawyers.

I believe that we all deserve a seat at the table of ideas, even "The Goldwater Kid" at a so-called Tea Party event held by bankers, it appears, for lawyers, the only two groups that Jesus Christ ever rebuked.  I want to thank the Amarillo event for showing your elitist colors.  There are no "less than" citizens in my world.  And I couldn't pay for the news coverage that you have given me for your arrogance.

I'll be out front passing out my materials Saturday while you all conspire to rape the good people of Texas of their liberty and property.

Gene Chapman (a.k.a. "The Goldwater Kid")
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)
Your Only Anti-Marxist Choice for Texas Governor

Chapman to Be Interviewed About So-called Tea Party Snubbing

I just got off the phone with an editor form the "Amarillo Globe News," and he informs me that he is excited to send someone to interview me, as I pass out my bumper stickers in front of the Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Forum in Amarillo this Saturday between 1 and 4 p. m, where my invitation has disappeared form the website in favor of four lawyers.

Gene Chapman (a.k.a. "The Goldwater Kid")
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)
Your Only Anti-Marxist Choice for Texas Governor

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Proposed Billboard:

Personal Income Tax = Slavery = Violence Imposed upon Americans by our Marxist Government.

2nd plank of "The Communist Manifesto"

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

How to Make the LAMPAC Billboard Happen:

We are being pitched a giant 40' long billboard in downtown Austin, Texas for $3,400 a month.  This rate included a bit over $1,000 per month to print the new sign every month.  It will reach 75,000 people per day, plus elected officials and MEDIA of every sort from all over the world, as it is within minutes of the Texas State Capitol Building.

LAMPAC (Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee)  does not exist, YET.  If you would be interested in donating $100 per month, we only need 34 people to make history in Austin, and I'd like to hear form you.

Gene Chapman
(a.k.a. "The Goldwater Kid")

Proposed Billboard:

Ending the Federal Reserve.

It's About Ending The Marxist Bankers' Thieving and Enslaving War Machine Imposed Upon You and the World (5th plank of "The Communist Manifesto').

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

Proposed Billboard:

Philosophical Anarchists v. State-centric Marxists

Jesus Christ ___________________ Barack Obama 
Leo Tolstoy ____________________Joseph Stalin
Mahatma Gandhi_______________ Adolph Hitler

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

Proposed Billboard:

The Border Fence Is About Protecting The Marxist State And Enslaving You!!!

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

Proposed Billboard:


It About Ending the Marxist's Nanny State's Control Over Your Life.

( marijuana leaf here)

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

Proposed Billboard:


Marxist brainwashing camps to indoctrinate children in the state control of their lives.

10th plank of "The Communist Manifesto."

Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee

Brick Wall Ahead

Well, I've exhausted about all options on gaining ballot access, being a Gandhian.  I am waiting for Texas Senator Jane Nelson's Office this week to determine whether there is a religious exception already on the books to allow me ballot access in Texas.

I spoke with Texas LP Chair Pat Dixon at yesterday's Ft. Worth event, and he assures me that that one legal signature on the Texas Secretary of State's website, bringing me under the control of man's laws/ violence, is the singular block on my campaign for Texas Governor.  Without a religious exception already present in Texas Law, I'm informed that the Texas Legislature will not be in session to correct the oversight until January, 2015, two months after the election.

There does seem to be substantial interest in the LAMPAC (Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee) idea to place billboards up that distinguish the LP from Republicrats (Marxist Republicans and Democrats).  If my campaign hits the brick wall this week, I'll be writing the Koch brothers by next weekend about LAMPAC.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual fo the Age)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Had a Good Time at LP Event in Ft. Worth Today

I had a good time at the LP event in Ft. Worth today.  There was good interest in the Libertarian Anti-Marxist Political Action Committee and billboard idea.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Proposed Billboard:

"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice!!!" -- Gene Chapman ("The Goldwater Kid).

(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Amarillo Globe News Letter to the Editor: "The Goldwater Kid" Snubbed by So-called Tea Party Group in Favor of Four Lawyers

Dear Editor:

As the candidate recently removed from invitation to the so-called Tea Party event in Amarillo on October 5th at the Happy State Bank Conference Center in favor of having four lawyer candidates, instead, it is not lost on me that the only two groups Jesus Christ ever rebuked were bankers and lawyers.  I plan to be outside the bank conference center passing out my bumper stickers to the good folks I feel more comfortable with anyway, the work-a-day folks, the folks bankers and layers conspire everyday to rape of their liberty and property.

Gene Chapman (a.k.a. "The Goldwater Kid")
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Question for Gene?

Question:  "Mr. Chapman, What do you think about all these lawyers running for Governor?"

Answer:  Well, I did study as an undergraduate Law major in a five year accelerated program at Baylor University for a little over a year-and-a-half back in 1992 and 1993, and I was a Pre-Law student at the University of North Texas just a couple of years ago, so I can't say I'm totally pure of the stain of temporal law.  However, what I learned about being a lawyer, outside of Tolstoy's writings and the lawyer Mahatma Gandhi's move away from the law profession, is that lots of people end up in the law profession because they lack the intellectual skills to gain a real doctorate, so they settle for something that is quick and might open the doors to lots of money.

I found in my case that I'm not a Calculus III guy, so Law was my fallback from being an economist.  Today, I'd go for a masters and doctorate as a sociologist or an economic historian, were I to return to school.

I find man's law to be empty and corrupt through-and-through.  It all comes from Jesus Christ's opposition to lawyers, I guess, as he provides the basis for Gandhian Philosophy.

All these lawyers running for office tells me that we are running short of real intellectual insight in the race for Governor of Texas.  Unless you count the guy endorsed by the Intellectual of the Age.

Gene Chapman
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Chapman Addresses Water Texas PAC

Dear Water Texas PAC:

As a Gandhian candidate for Texas Governor, I support a non-violent approach to solving our water issues. This means that we do not use force/ man's law; rather, we should discuss the matter on television and find an allocation of water that respects the needs of our growing population based on social capital alone.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Ballot Access Update

I just got off the phone with Texas Senator Jane Nelson's office, and spoke to a case worker.  The case worker informs me that she will research my request and get back to me next week.

I explained to the case worker that I am a Gandhian and that we Gandhians do not willfully place ourselves under the jurisdiction of man laws, as man's laws are violence and violence is illegitimate to Truth, who is God.  This means that we refrain from acts to swear or affirm, etc., in a legal context.  The Texas Secretary of State's website currently requires that I swear or affirm to have the hope of ballot access in Texas.

She took down my contact information and said she would explore any provisions that might already be in Texas law to provide those of the Gandhian religion ballot access.  She said that in a worst case scenario, the Texas Legislature goes back into session in January 2015 and would have to make the provision for the Gandhian religion then.

Gene Chapman 
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual fo the Age)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Larry Kilgore's Secession v. My Abolish the State Referendum

The big problem I see in Larry Kilgore's proposed secession is as follows:

Let's say that for 150 years, you've been next door neighbors to a family of 7' tall basket ball players.  Way back when, the two families built a basketball court together, but no body knew where the property lines were 150 years ago, so there is a possible dispute in where the property line would be in the event of hard feelings.

As the years went bye, the 7' tall basketball players began to encroach upon your family.  They would take your newspaper off your front porch and never let you read it.  The relationship began to sour, as each generation of neighbors became more and more oppressive/ violent.

So you decide one day to build a fence and run the neighbors off.  But they think the property line is 6" inside your basketball court.  So the violent battle ensues.  Blood is spilled, as in all secessions.

On the other hand, if you just stop showing up to play basketball one day, the 7' tall basketball player family gets curious and knocks on your door to see why you are  not out playing.  You explain that they are abusive and violent.  They steal your newspaper, etc.  So, you don't want to show up to play the game with them anymore.  You just "abolish" the relationship.

This doesn't mean that you can't reestablish the relationship with the neighbors in the future.  You might never want to reestablish the relationship.  But you have made it clear that the future will be different than the past and that you are in complete non-violent control of the relationship.

If Mr. Kilgore want's secession, he will get blood in the streets for his effort, as all secessions do.  If he wants to break away from the federal Marxist oppressors and thinks he will carry the basketball home without bloodshed, he will find Marxist oppressors here in Texas called, Republicans and Democrats, who will fight for that ball.  But if he wants peace, then he must peruse a path that does not leave property in dispute.  Abolishing the State of Texas simply means that we are not coming in tomorrow, not funding our enslavement another day, and this is Gandhian.  This is Truth-centric, and that which comes from Truth is Peace.

Gene Chapman 
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual fo the Age)

Abbott's Office Writes me

Heard back from Attny. General Gregg Abbot's Office: He directed me to my state representatives as the final authority over the Secretary of State's Office. I got a voice mail so far.

You know, I'm thinking I might just get religious exception for my campaign.  I'm just getting that vibe from everything.
Gene Chapman 
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual fo the Age)

Letter to Lt. Governor David Dewhurst/ Abolish the State Referendum

Gene Chapman
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029

September 26, 2013

Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst
Capitol Station
P. O. Box 12068
Austin, Texas 78711

Dear Mr. Lt. Governor:

Several libertarian minded people and I have been in a dialogue to explore the prospect of placing on the Texas November 2014 ballot something in the neighborhood of the following ballot measure:

"Square One:  Abolish the State of Texas Ballot Initiative"

As the Republican and Democratic parties (the two major parties in Texas) both embrace all 10 planks of "The Communist Manifesto," and noting the insidious nature of this collectivist enslaving ideology, we the citizens of Texas, as an act of nonviolent self defense, vote to abolish the State of Texas.

Our ballot initiative pro suggested that we should approach the Texas Legislature to seek a statewide referendum.  With this in mind, I am asking for your help in pushing this request forward with the Texas Legislature.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman (a.k.a. "The Goldwater Kid")
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual fo the Age)

Now Pricing Billboard Locations in Austin

They want $3,400 for a giant billboard in downtown Austin, Texas for 30 days:

I'll need help on that one: Interview Posting Soon

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Email to Larry Kilgore

Dear Mr. Kilgore:

In a phone conversation with a ballot initiative pro today, it was suggested that citizens need to approach the State legislature to request a Statewide referendum on the enclosed matter that I think would provide you and I broader possibilities for our respective campaigns for freedom.

Gene Chapman
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

See Below:

Dear Sir:

It was very good hearing you speak a few weeks ago in Ft. Worth.  I was wondering what would be involved in placing the following ballot initiative on the November, 2013 Texas ballot?

"Square One:  Abolish the State of Texas Ballot Initiative"

As the Republican and Democratic parties (the two major parties in Texas) both embrace all 10 planks of "The Communist Manifesto," and noting the insidious nature of this collectivist enslaving ideology, we the citizens of Texas, as an act of nonviolent self defense, vote to abolish the State of Texas.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

New Bumper Stickers Ordered

Seeking Advice on Abolishing the State of Texas from a Pro

Dear Sir:

It was very good hearing you speak a few weeks ago in Ft. Worth.  I was wondering what would be involved in placing the following ballot initiative on the November, 2013 Texas ballot?

"Square One:  Abolish the State of Texas Ballot Initiative"

As the Republican and Democratic parties (the two major parties in Texas) both embrace all 10 planks of "The Communist Manifesto," and noting the insidious nature of this collectivist enslaving ideology, we the citizens of Texas, as an act of nonviolent self defense, vote to abolish the State of Texas.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Interviewed by Playboy Magazine styled Website,

I'm being interviewed by a kind of Playboy Magazine Internet website. It's called This is the second day of questions.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)
Idea: "Abolish the State of Texas Ballot Initiative"

We have been talking about forming a political action committee and another idea that would rock Austin to its foundations would be a ballot initiative to abolish the State of Texas. 

Any thoughts?

Gene Chapman

Monday, September 23, 2013

Chapman Campaign Grievances

Behind every petty temporal law, there is a badge and a gun and a threat of death from the state.

1)  Thou shalt cut thy grass to 6" on pain of death.

2)  Thou shalt have a tag on the front of thy car on pain of death.

3)  Thou shalt have a tag on the back of thy car on pain of death.

4)  Thou shalt have auto liability insurance on pain of death.

5)  Thou shalt not disagree with the badge holder on pain of death.

6)  Thou shalt have a car inspection tag on pain of death.

7)  Thou shalt not express reservation to the badge holder on pain of death.

8)  Thou shalt pay taxes on thy labor on pain of death.

9)  Thou shalt pay taxes on the intrinsic value of thy property on pain of death.

10)  Thou shalt not possess a marijuana cigarette on pain of death.

11)  Thou shalt not possess a 64 ounce drink on pain of death.

12)  Thou shalt not be mentally handicapped in public on pain of death.

13)  Thou shalt allow the state full access to thy medical records on pain of death.

14)  Thou shalt allow the state to observe thine activities on pain of death.

15)  Thou shalt not carry and unlicensed gun on pain of death.

16)  Thou shalt have a social security number on pain of death.

17)  Thou shalt have government issued photo identification in thine possession on pain of death.

18)  Thou shalt not possess the unsanctioned photo on pain of death.

19)  Thou shalt sign all government paperwork placed before thee on pain of death.

20)  Thou shalt have a building permit for everything on thy property on pain of death.

21)  Thou shalt not be the wrong skin color in public on pain of death.

22)  Thou shalt not violate the unmarked speed zone on pain of death.

23)  Thou shalt not make or possess alternative currency to that theft currency of the Federal Reserve on pain of death.

24)  Thou shalt possess the state sanctioned permit for thy job, or thou shalt starve to death on pain of death.

Wouldn't you like to live in a non-violent society?  Then vote for candidates who will not take the oath of office when elected.  Swear not/ Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Planning for A Chapman Campaign Youtube Channel

I just got off the phone in discussions for the opening and filming of video spots for the Chapman Campaign Youtube Channel.  We'll be putting up first an interview I did in Ft. Worth last weekend.  Then, we are going to start rolling out commercials of an entertaining and instructive nature to draw a distinction between the Republican/ Democratic parties and the Libertarian Party with the intent of building the Libertarian brand.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Lee Wrights Joins the Texas Gubernatorial Fray

Welcome into the mix, Lee.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Mahatma Gandhi: Mr. Obama's Hero Would Oppose Obamacare

We in the Gandhian community are well aware that Mr. Obama, some time ago, stated that the number one person of History he would seek to have dinner with is Mahatma Gandhi.  I sent Mr. Obama a copy of Gandhiji's book, "India of My Dreams" several months ago via my library project (Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange), and I got it back about thirty days later with pages turned and phrases underlined.  Clearly, Mr. Obama is a fan of Gandhiji.

What I keep trying to convey to Mr. Obama and the world is that Gandhiji is not a Marxist and therefore has no sympathy for the violence of taxing the working people of any nation.  Gandhiji was a philosophical anarchist, meaning that he did not believe that government has the moral authority to exist.

So, Mr. Obama, do you think a man who rejects the moral authority of government to exist believes in government's moral authority to tax for healthcare?

Gandhiji was a Libertarian Socialist, as well, meaning that he did desire that people care for one another without respect to personal property rights, by free CHOICE.  Even Ron Paul is on Youtube speaking of Libertarian Socialism as a fine CHOICE.  If you want to live in a commune, go ahead and do it.  There is no violence in that CHOICE.  But when the state sticks a badge and a gun in your face and tells you to join the state commune, this is violence.  Violence is illegitimate to Truth, for that which comes form Truth is Peace.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Republican Party: A Twain-headed Monster

For those of you, Tea Party folks, Log Cabin Republicans and the like, I want you to know that you are trying to reform a twain-headed monster in the Republican Party.  Come out from among them and be ye separate/ Libertarian.

The Republican Party long ago became the enemy of Truth Only, who is God, as it embraced the false religion of Marx and his 10 planks of "The Communist Manifesto," designed to enslave mankind to the collectivist state as cattle of the American politburo.  You vote Democrat then Republican, not understanding that they are of the same religion, Marxism/ slavery, then you wonder why nothing changes.

The Republican Party also embraces the Law of Moses, 2000 years ago now abrogated by Jesus Christ, himself, and you vote for your torturers still.  Walk away from this twain-headed monster of Marx and Moses and live in the light.  They are violence, and violence is illegitimate to Truth, for that which comes from Truth is peace.  Therefore, leave the illegitimate darkness and hopelessness that is the Republican Party and come into the light that is the Libertarian Party.  Come into the light, for Truth moves in the ways of Love and Love moves in the ways of Freedom and Freedom is Light.

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Ben Bernanke Steals 14% of Everything In America Held In Federal Reserve Notes

I was over at the U. S. Inflation Calculator on the Internet a few moments ago, putting my economics classes to work for you good folks, and it tells us that Mr. Ben Bernanke and the boys at the central bank stole 14% of everything you hold in Federal Reserve notes since he got into office in February, 2006. That means that us work-a-day folks, who are not able to adjust our labor wages to price inflation as quickly as other sectors, lost about 14% of the buying power of our labor since 2006.  This is you being forced to work 51 days a year by the Fed, Ceteris paribus.

You can vote Republican or Democrat and the theft will continue unchecked. Or you can vote for Libertarians, and the Fed will be audited at the very least and abolished at the most.

Anyway, let's all thank Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke for stealing from us so Wall Street doesn't go hungry.

Ben Bernanke, Chairman
Federal Reserve Bank
20 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, D. C. 20551

Gene Chapman
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

An Election System Legitimate to Truth

Over the past month, I've been in dialogue with some Libertarian Party thinkers over my refusal to sign the Texas Secretary of State's website for being a candiate in Texas elections.  It requires that I either "swear" or "affirm" in order to be eligible for ballot access.

In "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You," by Leo Tolstoy, the book that made M. K. Gandhi into the Mahatma (Great Soul) of India, we learn that the primary function of Jesus Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" was to free people from the state conception of life in favor of the Kingdom conception of life; a stateless society drive by conscience.  Yes, Jesus Christ was the original anarchist.

While some could understand that I might follow the literal instruction, "swear not," they could not understand why I would also "affirm" not.  It is not that I could not affirm, it is that I choose to be free from the state conception of life in accordance with the wisdom of one of the major religions of the world.  I internalized that being free from the state conception of life is a move toward Truth Only, who is God.

Truth moves in the ways of Love, and Love moves in the ways of Freedom.  Therefore, I knew that anything that willfully brings me into submission to temporal law is not the path of Truth, for temporal law is of man, and the ways of man's laws are violence, not love or freedom.  Violence is illegitimate to Truth, for that which comes from Truth is Peace.

In Matthew 5:37, we learn that anything that is from more than a simple "yes" or "no" is from evil/ violence.  Evil and sin are violence in Gandhian Philosophy.  So when I am asked to either "swear" or "affirm" in a legal context, as in this legal document on the Internet on the Texas Secretary of State's website, I am being coerced away from Truth and into submission to evil/ violence.  Violence is illegitimate to Truth, for that which comes from Truth is Peace.  Therefore, at every opportunity I can, I do not sign legal documents.  You would be wise to back away from these things, as well.

If the State of Texas does not respect my 1st Amendment right of religious exception, I will run as a write-in candidate, although, my vote will not be counted under Texas law, as I will not sign an oath or affirm in a legal context even to gain ballot access to be a write-in candiate.  It is not the Gandhian's path to make the self compliant with the state;  rather, it is the path of the Gandhian to move the state to be more and more compliant with Truth Only, who is God.  Give me twenty years to teach these teachings on this matter, and the people will wonder why anyone was ever asked to "swear" or "affirm," and the world will be a more non-violent place.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)

Press Release: Chapman Campaign Director of LGBTQ Outreach

As many of you know, Gandhians are the great moral and intellectual defenders of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) community.  Mahatma Gandhi was quietly followed throughout his life by a group of cross-dressing men whom he never rebuked.  A week after Gandhiji's assassination in 1948, the openly gay Bayard Rustin, who was the Quaker-raised Gandhian that made non-violence a priority with Dr. King and organized the March on Washington for the Civil Rights Movement, visited India on a previously planned excursion.  Gandhiji's lieutenants greeted him with open arms, and some are on film discussing that Rustin's homosexuality was "quite natural."

Gandhian Philosophy begins in Leo Tolstoy's book, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You.  In it, and in his book, My Religion, Tolstoy shows a fact that most so-called Christians miss in their church training today, that Jesus Christ "abrogated" (placed aside by his own authority) the Law of Moses.  Moses' Law seeks to stone the woman taken in adultery, while Jesus says to her face, "neither do I condemn thee" (no death penalty from Christ's Law).  Moses would pluck our eyes out and flogs us for a host of matters, but Jesus says, "judge not" in all circumstances.  Note:  From a Christian theological perspective, Jesus "fulfilled" the Law of Moses on the cross.  I like to says that Jesus placed the Law of Moses under glass, like a Texas rattle snake.  You can see what it was, but it non longer has a bite on any of us.  Yes, the Law of Jesus abrogated the Law of Moses, and we are now left to the one Great Law, that you "love one another."  This is the Law Eternal.

With all this in mind, it is my great honor to present Mr. John Miller as the Chapman Campaign Director of LBGTQ Outreach.  He lives here in Texas, and I hope you will all pass over to his Facebook page and give him a big Texas welcome!!!

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)