Friday, May 31, 2013

Tolstoyan not Tolstoyian

I have just been informed by my bumper sticker maker that I am a Tolstoyan, not a Tolstoyian.  Oh well, we can all admit when we make a mistake.  I actually like the "i," but I guess I'll fall in line with the masses on this one.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Aetna Heath Insurance Intellectually Dishonest

A few months ago, I made the decision to get health insurance through the company I work for.  It was just one of those whimsical decisions.  The insurer was Aetna, and nothing was said about any requirements to sign up, not that I would have opposed giving answers to a health history.

Well, I had one of those twice a year plain jain office visits on May 20, 2013 with my family doctor.  He checked me over and tweaked up my blood pressure medication that was already on report with my company for DOT purposes.

Today, I got a letter in the mail from Aetna wanting to have me fill out paperwork before they pay the remaining $86 of my office visit demanding I tell them of my health history to determine any preexisting conditions that they might want to refuse to pay.

This is like going to buy a car for $20,000.  The salesman takes your $20,000 cash and as he is handing the keys over, stops and says, "Would you like tires and bumpers with that?"

I called the benefits department at my job to drop this intellectually dishonest insurance this afternoon and I am informed that I cannot drop the insurance until November.  So I called our HR department to discuss options.  They are not answering.

I would encourage all Texans to drop their Aetna Insurance in favor of intellectually honest insurance agencies.  This is how a non-state society runs.

The saga continues.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky)


Anarchism is a generic term describing various political philosophies and social movements that advocate the elimination of all forms of imposed authority, including social hierarchy and coercivepower. In place of hierarchy, these movements favor relations based upon voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, leading to a society characterised by the ability of each actor to have a say in outcomes proportionate to the degree they are affected by them. These philosophies use anarchy to mean a society based on voluntary cooperation of free individuals. Philosophical anarchist thought does not advocate chaos or anomie — it refers to "anarchy" as a manner of human relations that is intentionally established and maintained.

The Power of Non-Participation

Since my days in Bible College at the age of nineteen,  when I first found the Sermon on the Mount, I have been turning over in my head the ideas I espouse now for my gubernatorial campaign, twenty-eight years later.

In South Carolina in 2005, when they locked me up for protesting the second plank of The Communist Manifesto at the IRS, I experimented with the concept of not signing oaths (paperwork) or providing a driver's license or social security number.  It has been amazing to see how little can be done with you when you just respectfully decline to participate in your own character assassination by the state.  I won't go into detail, as there are many tactics I do not want the state to fully understand, but the tactics of Tolstoy's book, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, I want everyone to understand do work on at least my level of past use.

I plan not to vote in November, 2014, as the signature to vote is a de-facto oath;  however, there will be many who will vote with an eye toward our convictions.  It is these I want to reach and teach.  So if you donate to this campaign, you will be donating to teach others to abandon the state in every respect, not because it was given by Jesus to build his Kingdom, but because it was understood by Tolstoy and used to great effect by Mahatma Gandhi to free India from British Colonialism.  If a Kingdom is built, fine, but I seek no Kingdom but to be left alone by the state and its violence.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor

The Path to World Peace

1)  Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

2)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth (mitigates envy and covetousness and refocusses life on the family and community).

3)  Render not evil for evil (ends war).

4)  Go not to law (ends the legal system).

5)  Judge not, condemn not (ends bigotry, discrimination, the prison system and the death penalty).

Conclusion:  Peace on earth.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candiate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

State Barriers to Saving Lives in Moore, Oklahoma Tornados

As I was finishing up my Welding degree back in 2011, there was an EF5 tornado in Tuscaloosa, Alabama that sucked up two feet of ground underneath the tornado for miles.  I began to work on a structure made of 1/4" steel plate, 8' x 4' sheets.  It would cost about $1,600 in materials and could be buried long ways in the ground to save lives.

I pitched it to the Small Business Administration, and they were awed by its simplicity and low cost per unit.  They hooked me up with a NASA engineer who told me that he could not sign off on the idea because of liability issues, even though he had the proper certification.  (If an engineer signs off on a structure, he also gets credit for it, not the inventor.)  I found a former worldwide President of the American Welding Society here in Dallas, Texas (a real live rocket scientist), and he told me he didn't have a PE (Public Engineer) certification, so he couldn't sign off on the idea, everyone excited along the way.  After several other attempts, engineers telling me to not give out too much information on this unprotected idea, one after the other, finally, I gave up on the idea that could have been utilized in Moore, Oklahoma to save every person in that town for a low end cost of $1,600 per unit/ home.

That is the state for you.

Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor

Educational Systems in a Stateless Society

In a stateless society, all education would be funded by the students, parents and/ or community donors.  The university system, for example, would receive no tax dollars, as no state exists to tax, resulting in an inflationary recession within education to work out the current financial bloating of the Texas system, as it stands.  As producer surplus declines within education and comes into line with the real economy, pay for teachers and institutions will also come in line with reality.  Many colleges and schools of every kind will close and streamline to the demands of the real economy.

Education will return more to the private sector employers who will seek out and train employees to their specific needs, and the economy will begin to boom on funds not wasted on bloated inefficient educational systems, much as we see in Milton Friedman's Hong Kong.

What this means to you and me in twenty years is that the guy with a Ph.D. in Art History, who would have been serving you at the front counter at McDonald's, due to an oversupply of Ph.D's in Art History (paying off his student loans), might instead own his own art gallery with no Ph.D. and no student debt within the context of a booming economy full of such stories.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor

Stateless Society

Stateless society

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
stateless society is a society that is not governed by a state. In stateless societies, there is little concentration of authority; most positions of authority that do exist are very limited in powerand are generally not permanently held positions; and social bodies that resolve disputes through predefined rules tend to be small.[1] Stateless societies are highly variable in economic organization, and cultural practices.[2]
Few stateless societies exist today. Uncontacted peoples may be considered de facto stateless societies, unaware of the states that have de jure authority over their territory. In some regions nominal state authorities may be very weak and wield little or no actual power. Over history most stateless peoples have been integrated with the state-based societies around them.[3]



Prehistoric peoples [edit]

In archaeologycultural anthropology and history, a stateless society denotes a less complex human community without a state, such as a tribal society, a clan, a band society or a chiefdom. The main criterion of "complexity" used is the extent to which a division of labor has occurred such that many people are permanently specialized in particular forms of production or other activity, and depend on others for goods and services through trade or sophisticated reciprocal obligations governed by custom and laws. An additional criterion is population size. The bigger the population, the more relationships have to be reckoned with.[citation needed]
Evidence of the earliest known city-states has been found in ancient Mesopotamia around 3700 BC, suggesting that the history of the state is in truth less than 6,000 years old; thus, for most of human prehistory the state did not exist. Since Homo sapiens has existed for about 200,000 years, it implies that state-organized societies have existed for at most 3% of the whole epoch of recognizably "human" history.[citation needed]
The anthropologist Robert L. Carneiro comments:
"For 99.8 percent of human history people lived exclusively in autonomous bands and villages. At the beginning of the Paleolithic [i.e. the stone age], the number of these autonomous political units must have been small, but by 1000 B.C. it had increased to some 600,000. Then supra-village aggregation began in earnest, and in barely three millennia the autonomous political units of the world dropped from 600,000 to 157. In the light of this trend, the continued decrease from 157 to 1 seems not only inescapable but close at hand" - [4]
Generally speaking, the archaeological evidence suggests that the state emerged out of stateless communities only when a fairly large population (at least tens of thousands of people) was more or less settled together in a particular territory, and practiced agriculture, rather than being nomadic hunters and gatherers. Indeed, one of the typical functions of the state is the defense of territory. Nevertheless, there are exceptions: Lawrence Krader for example describes the case of the Tatar state, a political authority arising among confederations of clans of nomadic or semi-nomadic herdsmen.[5]
Characteristically the state functionaries (royal dynasties, soldiers, scribes, servants, administrators, lawyers, tax collectors, religious authorities etc.) are mainly not self-supporting, but rather materially supported and financed by taxes and tributes contributed by the rest of the working population. This assumes a sufficient level of labor-productivity per capita which at least makes possible apermanent surplus product (principally foodstuffs) appropriated by the state authority to sustain the activities of state functionaries. Such permanent surpluses were generally not produced on a significant scale in smaller tribal or clan societies.[6]
The archaeologist Gregory Possehl has argued however that there is no evidence that the relatively sophisticated, urbanized Harappan civilization, which flourished from about 2,500 to 1,900 BC in the Indus region, featured anything like a centralized state apparatus. No evidence has yet been excavated locally of palaces, temples, a ruling sovereign or royal graves, a centralized administrative bureaucracy keeping records, or a state religion - all of which are elsewhere usually associated with the existence of a state apparatus.[7]
Similarly, in the earliest large-scale human settlements of the stone age which have been discovered, such as Ã‡atal Höyük andJericho, no evidence was found of the existence of a state authority. The Çatal Höyük settlement of a farming community (7,300 BC to circa 6,200 BC) spanned circa 13 hectares (32 acres) and probably had about 5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants.[8]
Modern state based societies regularly pushed out stateless indigenous populations as their settlements expanded.[9]

Social and economic organization [edit]

Anthropologists have found that social stratification is not the standard among all societies. John Gowdy writes, "Assumptions about human behaviour that members of market societies believe to be universal, that humans are naturally competitive and acquisitive, and that social stratification is natural, do not apply to many hunter-gatherer peoples."[10]
The economies of stateless agricultural societies tend to focus and organize subsistence agriculture at the community level, and tend to diversify their production rather than specializing in a particular crop.[11]
In many stateless societies, conflicts between families are resolved by appealing to the community. Each of the sides of the dispute will voice their concerns, and the community, often voicing its will through village elders will reach a judgment on the situation. Even when there is no legal or coercive authority to enforce these community decisions, people tend to adhere to them, due to a desire to be held in esteem by the community.[12]

Paradise Lost: West Memphis Boys

I saw an interview of a man held, of three, some eighteen years in the Arkansas prison system for the murders of some other young kids in 1994.  The man has been virtually blinded by living in solitary confinement for the last decade, and had lost the ability to walk without chains on his feet for appropriate balance.

Their plight was captured in a movie, Paradise Lost, and the three men jailed falsely were the victims of statism, the statism we seek to abolish along with the state in this campaign for Texas Governor.

I have seen too much go wrong with the legal system to stay silent.  In all cases, whether guilty or innocent, we will never have peace on earth while there is the state.

Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).
See:  The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, by Leo Tolstoy

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More Statist Violence in Ft. Worth, Texas

I just saw on the evening news that a seventy-one year old man (Jerry Waller), married forty-seven years, has been shot six times by Ft. Worth Police Officers on last night, both officers having been on the police force less than a year, Mr. Waller dead.  The officers had been responding to a burglary alarm that turned out to be across the street and false.  Mr. Waller had been awakened at about 1:00 a. m. by lights outside his back bedroom, got his pistol and went to check it all out.

This is why we need to abolish the state.  If there were no police trying to look into everyone's business, the citizens would have the guns and handle matters without statist intrusion.

A less statist society would probably not have even created a dynamic for Mr. Waller to feel the need to carry a gun into the situation.

Do not take oaths (ends the state and all its systems of violence).

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky)

Bombs in Public Schools

Yet another young man is in trouble making bombs to blow up his public school.  It is not lost on me that these institutions under assault by young men are "public schools."  On some level, we must recognize that the institution under attack is the state.

From Tolstoy's book, The Slavery of Our Times, I would suggest that this violence comes from the coarseness of a society built upon the state conception of reality, wherein government is defined as being a manifestation of the powerful empowering the powerful to threaten murder against those who do not operate in ways the powerful wish.  I am running for Texas Governor to abolish this coarseness that creates school bombers and school shooters, by abolishing the state itself, through refusing the oath and hoping to inspire the world to do the same.

I would encourage these young men to contemplate that violence only begets violence.  If you wish to be the great hero in the battle for minds and mitigation of state violence that is clearly structurally present in the school system, I encourage you to put your energies behind efforts like mine.

We can defeat Keynesian-Marxist violence around the world much more easily than you might think, together, non-violently.  No mother wants a violent world for her children, and every child comes from a mother.  So join me in my effort, along with Dr. Noam Chomsky and others to counter statism in a thousand different non-violent ways.  Become an economist of the Austrian School or Chicago School and the world will heed your every word.  Seek to become a man or woman of scholarship, an intellectual giant, as is required to become a Gandhian leader, something for which I strive but have not yet attained. Use your energies to throw off the evils of untruth and violence in the world.

You can do it.

And feel free to request a bumper sticker from our campaign and stick it up in your room.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandian Libertarian Candiate for Texas Governor

One Suggestion

It has been suggested that we request the abolition of the Electoral Committee.

I'm starting to believe that the electoral system is rigged against Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarians.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian for Texas Governor

Question for Arun Gandhi

Hi Arun,

I have been in an email exchange with an esteemed law professor, who tells me that I can "affirm" rather than swear an "oath" for the purposes of being a write-in candidate for Texas Governor.  It seems to me that an affirmation for legal purposes is a de-facto oath.  Do you see a distinction without a difference from your grandfather's perpsective?

 Either way, I am going to law in this context, something that one of my five planks forbids.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor

Requirements for Texas Gubernatorial Election

Dear Dr. Chomsky:

I wonder if you would like to help me frame a complaint to the Texas Secretary of State?  They have a form that I can download and either email or regular mail to them.  I find the electoral requirements for write-in candidates to be unnecessary and intentionally cumbersome.


Write-in candidates [edit]

". . .  the person may still run as a write-in candidate. The candidate must either:[19]
  • pay a $3,750 filing fee,[20] or
  • submit 5,000 qualified signatures.[21] However, the petition must be filed by 5:00 pm of the 70th day before general election day, and cannot be filed earlier than 30 days before this deadline.[22]

Gene here:  I wonder if there is a requirement to sign an oath?  This might be something that will need to change in Texas' electoral law if Tolstoy's vision is to be made real.  Can't take any oaths, so we'll have to make the law fit us.

And another point:  Why is there a fee or a signature requirement to be on a Texas ballot as a write-in candidate?  You mean Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Fred Flintstone and a whole range of cartoon characters have bee disenfranchised from Texas politics all these years, and no one even knew they were throwing their vote away?

I might as well seek ballot access.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyian-Gandhian Libertarian Candiate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky)